January 2023 Minutes



PRESENT: Cllrs: Vicky Lowndes (Chairman) Nigel Percy (Vice-Chairman), Veronica Stephens, Peter Burrows, Betty North and Parish Clerk David Holmes. 

Also present SKDC Councillor Sarah Trotter and 3 members of the public.

Prior to the meeting at 7pm a Public Forum was held. There were no issues raised.

1. CHAIRMAN’S COMMENTS: Cllr Vicky Lowndes explained the protocol for the meeting.


3. DECLARATIONS OF PECUNIARY INTERESTS OR APPLICATIONS FOR DISPENSATIONS. Cllr Stephens declared a pecuniary interest in items 8 D and F. She was advised by the Clerk.

4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The draft minutes of 8 November 2022 meeting were unanimously approved by the Councillors and the Chairman signed the original copy. ACTION: The clerk: to be published.


a) Speed Indicators: The clerk reported that the new Solar Powered Speed Indicator had been erected on 25 November, 2022 and indications are that it is being very effective in slowing vehicles approaching from the Roundabout. The Clerk and Volunteer were thanked as was the Volunteer who operates the other Speed Indicator. ACTION: The clerk.

b) Tree Planting – the clerk was pleased to announce that 100 trees from the LCC had now arrived on site. They would be planted this week in the agreed area near to Ropsley Rise Woods.  The Councillors would attend the area on 4 February 2023 together with The Farm Manager from Ropsley Farms who had kindly given permission for the use of their land and who would maintain the trees. The area to be known as the “CORONATION COPSE” in honour the forthcoming Coronation of King Charles III. 

c) Parking near the Spinney: The Clerk reported that the LCC had indicated that they will include the issue in the next financial year and hopefully attend to the area and thereby  deter motorists from parking.  

d) Roundabout: There was nothing further to report.

e) Pathway to the Roundabout: The Clerk reported that the LCC will take a look and arranged works as required in the next financial year.

f) Code of Conduct: The Clerk reported on a seminar he had attended at the SKDC with the Deputy Monitoring Officer and other clerks. The SKDC had adopted a Model Code of Conduct issued by NALC. This Council had adopted it on 8 November, 2022. The clerk reminded the Councillors of the importance of the Code both in and out of meetings.

6. LCC COUNCILLOR UPDATE: Cllr Charlotte Vernon had given her apologies for the meeting.

7. SKDC LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE:  Cllr Sarah reported about a recent TEAMS meeting with the newly appointed Police Chief Inspector. The Clerk together with other clerks had also been present. The issues raised included reference to there being only 9 PCSO’s covering both South Kesteven and North Kesteven. New recruits, once trained, will increase that number. 

Cllr Trotter also said there was available Lottery Funding for events connected to the Coronation but the deadline was quite close.

She also said the SKDC staff were now housed in the new offices at the Savoy Cinema and it was working extremely well.

Funding streams for local projects would be available soon. 

There is now in use a Pink Refuse Lorry supporting a member of staff with funds going to Breast Cancer Research.

Cllr Trotter was thanked for attending and for her report.

8. FINANCE:  A).The clerk produced copies of the latest Finance Statement signed off by Lead Councillor Peter Burrows on the 20 January 2023.  A copy to be published on the Website. It shows all income and expenditure since 1 April 2022 to date and the Bank Reconciliation; The Financial Statement was approved unanimously.  The clerk also reported he was making progress in changing banks from HSBC to Lloyds Bank who gave councils free banking:  ACTION: The clerk.

B) The current objection to the 2021/2022 Audit was ongoing as the resident had requested that the work of the Engagement Lead for the external auditors should be checked by some- one else. It was noted that the same External Auditors, PFK Littlejohn, had been re-appointed for a further 5 years. 

C) The draft budget for 2023/2024 was presented to Councillors by the Chairman. 

Approved unanimously. A copy will be published on the Website. 

ACTION: The Clerk

D) An application for funding had been received from the local church on the same basis as in many previous years. Cllr Stephens did not take part in the discussion. Proposed Cllr Lowndes and seconded by Cllr North that the application for £200 be approved. AGREED unanimously. The application referred to on-going maintenance in the grave yard. 

ACTION: The Clerk.

E) The annual fees for the appointment of the Webmaster was due for renewal. AGREED to renew on the same terms. ACTION: The Clerk.

F) At the last meeting the provision of a second Defibrillator for the parish was discussed. The Church Warden had offered the use of the Church Porch for it to be located with the church providing the required electricity. The Clerk had obtained the costings for a new one ranging from £1455 plus VAT to £2240 plus VAT. There would be installation fees and on-going maintenance. It was envisaged the Parish Council would make an application for funding from a local charity and would then be required to provide for on-going maintenance. A Volunteer would be needed. AGREED: the Clerk to invite a visit from Community Heartbeat who provided the exiting Defibrillator and meet the Church Warden on site to discuss the issue and report back. The discussion to include the current defibrillator which Community Heartbeat have indicated has been superseded by newer models.

ACTION: The Clerk.

9. CORRESPONDENCE AND ISSUES FOR INFORMATION ONLY: i) A recent LALC NEWS referred to any local plans to hold a Coronation event. It was noted. ii) The Clerk referred to a comment from LALC regarding the separation of the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Parish Council Meeting. It was noted that it was the local practice to hold both on the same evening with separate meetings and agendas. The practice seemed to work well for this small parish and there seemed little point in a change. AGREED unanimously. iii) The clerk referred to an email from a local resident about the long standstill in the development to erect 6 bungalows on the site on School Lane. The Clerk has replied indicating the SKDC planning department had confirmed they had no enforcement powers in such cases. However, the development was currently being advertised for prospective buyers for the bungalows. 

10. OLD SOMERBY PARISH NEWSLETTER: The next edition was in draft and it was proposed to publish it in March 2023. A discussion ensued about holding a local event to celebrate the forthcoming Coronation. ACTION: Cllr Lowndes. To report back. 

11. REPORT FROM THE POLICE REGARDING LOCAL ISSUES: There was no Police presence or a current report of incidents. Please note item 7 above.

12. Date and time of the next Meeting. This was fixed for Tuesday 21 March 2023 at 7pm.

The meeting closed at 8.35pm.
