January 2024 Minutes


PRESENT: Cllrs: Vicky Lowndes (Chairman) Nigel Percy (Vice-Chairman), Veronica Stephens, Peter Burrows, Betty North and Parish Clerk, David Holmes. 
Also present Cllr Sarah Trotter – SKDC and 7 members of the public.


1. A Resident raised the following issues

i) the footpath alongside the road leading to the Roundabout. Whilst the LCC had sprayed the edges they had not removed any growth on the footpath – (See Post Meeting Note at item 5 c) below).

ii) Parking by the Spinney – two of the recent bollards had been removed leaving it vulnerable to parking once again. Agreed to monitor the situation;

2. A Resident mentioned the recent flooding on the first corner towards the Roundabout from the Village. Vehicles avoiding the large puddles were in danger of veering into the path of oncoming traffic. Cllr Trotter suggested a Village Walkabout with the LCC Area Manager or one of his colleagues to consider these issues. ACTION: Clerk.  (see also item  5 a)


1. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: The Chairman welcomed everyone present and explained the procedure for residents to be permitted to address the council. 

2. APOLOGIES: Cllr Charlotte Vernon LCC had given her apologies.


Cllr Stephens declared a pecuniary interest in item 8d as a member of the Parochial Church Council.  Noted.

4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  i) The draft minutes of the meeting held 30 October, 2023  were accepted as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.

ACTION: Clerk. 


a) Cold Harbour traffic etc issues: Cllr Percy outlined the various issues that needed attention by the LCC for the hamlet – potholes at the entrance, also throughout the road leading to the hamlet and on Queen Elizabeth Road; a Direction sign by the Roundabout was badly damaged; another sign in that area was twisted; pothole by the Roundabout. All had been reported on Fix My Street without success; the Speed Indication Sign which had been faulty for many months has now been removed. Cllrs considered the number of issues was significant and the Clerk was asked to try and arrange an onsite meeting with the Area Manager or his representative as soon as was possible.

ACTION: Clerk.

b) Dog fouling – Well Field foot path:  The Chairman reported the issue had now improved. 

c) Footpath to the Village from the Roundabout: It was noted that LCC Highways had recently sprayed the edges of the footpath but the growth on the footpath remained.

ACTION: Clerk – to enquire of LCC Highways if any further work was likely. If not to try and arrange a volunteer work party to undertake that work particularly on the bend.

POST MEETING NOTE: The LCC Highways have now completed the work on the Footpath.

d) Hedge Cutting Issues: The Clerk advised he had made contact with owners - now settled. 

e) Next Parish Newsletter – left to the next meeting.

f) Speed Indicator issues: The Clerk reported that the post holding the Solar Panel Speed Indicator was loose. He had reported it and the situation is in hand. The Volunteer looking after the Battery Operated Speed Indicator was present. This speed indicator appeared not to be working correctly and he agreed to forward data to the Chairman for attention.


g) Bus Shelter frontage repair.  The Clerk had made contact with a second contractor and should soon have a second quote.

ACTION: Clerk.

h) Chevrons: The Clerk reported that following his report to Fix My Street there had been a visit by Highways to the Chevrons on the corner approaching the village which were either damaged or in need of repair and clearing of ivy.  Further action was need and he would add the issue to the Action in 5 a above.

ACTION: Clerk.

6. LCC LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE: Councillor Vernon had apologised and was not present. The Clerk to copy her in on the Actions referred to in item ‘5 a’ above.


7.SKDC LOCAL COUNCILLIR UPDATE: Councillor Sarah Trotter was present and gave her report.  

There had been a change of Leader and Deputy Leader at the SKDC; Several applications had been made or were in the pipe-line for Solar Farms locally; the 6 Bungalow development on School Lane was under review because of “soakaways” having been located wrongly; Sand and the necessary bags were available for parish councillors to apply for; also available for litter picking.  


a) The clerk produced the up-to-date Financial Report showing funds held, all expenditure to-date this financial year and the bank reconciliation. (Copy attached to these Minutes and to be published on the Website.) The Report had been signed off by Cllr Burrows – Lead Councillor for Finance.

ACTION: Clerk.

b) Annual Audit 2022/2023 – The outcome of the Resident’s latest objection had now been received from the External Auditor. They have once again rejected the Resident’s objection. Nevertheless, as the rules are now, this has resulted in this parish council once again having to pay the costs of the objection amounting to £1, 278 which they could ill afford.  

c) Budget and Precept: The Chairman circulated copies of the Budget for 2024/2025 and  the Precept. The Precept was fixed at an increased amount of £3,760 payable by SKDC.

d) To Consider an application for funding of £200 by the local Parochial Church Council. The grant was to be put towards the upkeep of the church graveyard – to the benefit of local residents as in previous years. The application was granted.


a) 6 Bungalow Development School Lane:  As reported above there are issues with soakaways being wrongly positioned.

b) S23/1097 – Proposed 2 storey development at 13 School Lane, Old Somerby. An amended application had been made. Awaiting a decision.

c) S23/2014 Proposed single storey extension at “Halcyon” School Lane, Old Somerby. It had been approved under Permitted Development.

d) S23/2072 at “Luarca” School Lane, Old Somerby. Awaiting a decision.


a) SKDC has circulated parish councils regarding the process that can be adopted to report untidy gardens using the A-Z service on the SKDC Website.

b) LALC had circulated parish councils regarding the recommended use of GOV.UK email systems.

c) Lincolnshire Community are distributing funding on behalf of SKDC re household support. (details on our to apply are available on the parish Notice Boards or via the clerk.)

d) SKDC is currently refreshing their Corporate Plan.

e) SKDC have contacted parish councils who may wish to hold stocks of sand and sandbags in case of flooding. 

f) The public consultation re The Greater Lincolnshire Devolution had been widely publicised.

g) There will be national events to mark D-DAY 6 June 2024. It is likely the local church bell will be ringing out for peace on that day, the Church Warden indicated.

h) Ropsley Primary School are seeking funding for a Play Trim Trail.


a) A general review of the parish council’s policies was adjourned to the next meeting.

b) NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN- the annual review was adjourned until the next meeting to await the SKDC review of their Local Plan.

12. DATE AND TIME OF THE NEXT MEETING: Fixed for Monday 25 March 2024 at 7pm