January 2021 Minutes



Present: Cllrs: Lowndes, Percy, Stephens and Burrows and Parish Clerk David Holmes.
Also present 2 members of the public.

1. APOLOGIES: An apology had been received from Cllr North which was accepted as being an acceptable reason
for absence..


3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the meeting held 1 December 2020 had been circulated. 
Proposed: Cllr Lowndes they be accepted as a correct record; seconded Cllr Burrows and agreed.

4. PREVIOUS CLERK:  The Police had been in touch regarding repayment of the losses and had asked for  bank details.
Nothing further yet to report.

a) Bus Shelter renovation: No further news from the Contractor. ACTION:  Clerk to seek starting date.
b) Flooding issues update: The Clerk reported there had been a response from the Local Highways Manager who had also
received the video of recent flooding sent recenty.He expressed concern at the overflowing ditch and the
run-off from the land as well.  The main adjacent landowner had earlier undertaken significant works to intercept water run-off
with further work carried out last week. The Area Manager suggested contact be made with Anglian Water to ask them 
to check again the outfall and their own system and also to suggest a visit. ACTION the Clerk. 
c) New Parish Council Website: i)  The Old website has now been closed by LCC as they have moved all parish councils 
to new versions and ours is now up and running. The Front Page contains a link to Fix My Street which anyone can use to 
report issues regarding blocked drains, street lights etc.and also links to SKDC and LCC websites. There is more work
to be done on this new website in coming weeks. ii) considerable help had been received from a retired RAF IT trainer who
had offered free assistance to all parish councils in Lincolnshire. His very kind offer had been taken up. It had been suggested
county wide by LALC that those many parish councils who had received his assistance might want to make a donation to one 
of his favourite charities. Proposed; Cllr Percy that £50 be donated to Guide Dogs for the Blind; Seconded Cllr Stephens -
carried unanimously. ACTION: The Clerk.
d) Speeding: There were no further issues to report. The volunteer had requested a further bracket to aid him with the
siting of the speed monitor. The clerk reported the cost would be £57 plus VAT and delivery. AGREED; to purchase a 
bracket.  ACTION: The Clerk.
e) The Well Head. A letter from the landowners' Solicitors regarding ownership of the Well Head had been responded to .
There had been no reply to date.
f) Village Seat: The Millennium Seat had now been painted and returned today. The clerk had been asked at the previous
meeting to price a further village seat in memory of Mary Bean who had donated a large contribution towards the renovation
 of the Village Roundabout and left a legacy to the Parish Council. The Clerk reported that the cost would be £850 to match
the existing one near the bus shelter.  Councillors to consider a suitable location meanwhile and to be further considered
6: LCC LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE:  Cllr Adams was not present. The clerk to ask him for an update to be appended to
these minutes. 

7: SKDC LOCAL COUNCILLOR UPDATE: Cllr Trotter had given her apologies and the clerk to ask her for a similar update.

a) S18/0944 Appeal against planning refusal for traveller site at Cold Harbour. Cllr Adams had informed the clerk that the
appeal would now be heard by ZOOM with the date to be announced. Cllr Percy and the Clerk on behalf of the parish
council  had requested permission to address the Inspector at the appeal.
b) S20/1615 2 X 3 Bed-dwellings Main Road, Old Somerby. The clerk had received notification from SKDC Planners that
OutlIne Planning Permission had been granted with a time limit set. The clerk had received a request from the architects for
details of the various responses from residents that the parish council had received. The matter had been dealt with. 

9 FINANCE: a) Payments over £100 - none b) Finance update. The clerk had supplied the councillors with the update. A copy to
be annexed to these minutes. c) Asset Register: The clerk to obtain a further Insurance quotation for the increased values
set at the last meeting for all items on the register including the Well Head and action payment. ACTION: Clerk.
d) To set the Parish Council's Budget for 2021/2022 as circulated: AGREED: Proposed Cllr Percy; seconded Cllr Burrows.
ACTION: The clerk and to add the extra amount of the increased insurance premium. To be published on the website.

10. GRANT APPLICATION: An application for a donation of  £150 had been received again from the local Parochial Church
Council. Proposed: Cllr Burrows that the application be approved; seconded Cllr Percy and carried.

11. CORRESPONDENCE: Letter from Roythornes Solicitors re the ownership of the village Well Head. Dealt with a 5 (e).

12. a) To consider an amendment to the Council's Policy relating to Abusive, Persistent etc Complaints. The clerk, as 
requested, had amended the Policy in the 4th para from the bottom of the last page to read "every 6 months or at the
 nearest scheduled Parish Council Meeting thereto when a decision to remove or extend any restriction will be taken." 
The amendment was necessary as the parish council meetings are not always held within 3 months. Proposed by the 
Chairman that  the amendment be approved and adopted; Seconded Cllr Stephens and carried. ACTION: the Clerk 
to publish the amended version on the website.
b) To review the Determination pursant to the amended version of the Policy mentioned in a) above. Proposed The Chairman
that the Determination be continued in the same terms; Seconded Cllr Burrows and carried. ACTION: The clerk.

13: DATE OF NEXT MEETING: The next meeting was fixed for Tuesday 30 March 2021 at 7pm. 
The meeting closed at 7.30pm



Bank Reconciliation for PC Meeting 12 January 2021




Bank statement 475                                                          9794.75



Unpresented cheques:

Dog signs chq. No. 100487  **                                        145.46



Balance                                                                                 9649.29*






*The balance includes £250 ring fenced donation from

Mitchells and Butlers to be used towards Bus Shelter Renovation due

to completed shortly.

                     **The unpresented cheque was delivered by hand on 13 Oct 2020.

Their files indicate the account is “paid” but the cheque, for some reason, has not

yet been presented to our Bank for payment. 




David J Holmes




Parish Clerk

11 January 2021